Marriage – Baptism – Funerals

Marriage is a special bond between two people, and getting married in a church is a way to make it even more special. It’s a way of asking God to bless your marriage and help you grow together in love.

The ceremony is full of symbols that represent the different aspects of marriage. The vows you exchange promise to love and cherish each other constantly. The rings you wear are a symbol of your commitment to each other. And the kiss you share is a sign of your passion and intimacy.

Marriage is a journey, and it can be challenging. But with God’s help, you can face any challenge together. So if you’re considering getting married, I encourage you to consider having a church wedding. It’s a beautiful way to start your new life together.

Baptism is a special ceremony that welcomes a child into the Christian community. It shows that we love and accept the child and believe in God’s love for them. During the ceremony, water is poured over the child’s head, symbolising the washing away of sin. This doesn’t mean that the child is perfect, but it does mean that God loves them and forgives them. The baptismal formula is also recited, which states that the child is being baptised into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This means that the child is being welcomed into the family of God.

Celebrating the life of a loved one who has passed away is a way to honour their memory and say goodbye. A religious ceremony, like a funeral or memorial service, is a way to express your love and respect for the person who has died.

These ceremonies are important because they mark significant moments in our lives. They are a way of celebrating our joys and sorrows and of finding comfort and support in our faith.

Baptism and confirmation

Parents wishing to have their children baptised should approach their local Methodist minister at the earliest possible moment. The minister will be able to explain what’s involved. This may involve, in some cases, parents being willing to undertake a number of instruction sessions. FIND OUT MORE


If you are planning to get married and are considering a Methodist church, here are guidelines to help you.

What is the first step?     

Usually, a couple wishing to get married should approach the Methodist Minister of the church at which they wish to be married. This would normally have to be in the civil registration district in which they live.

Marriage preparation is provided at a local level by the circuit ministers. The best route is to start making links with the minister likely to conduct the wedding. As part of the legal process, prospective marriage partners will need to go to the local registry office and will be given a copy of a book called ‘Married Life’, which is a helpful resource for people thinking about the implications of getting married. FIND OUT MORE

One of us is divorced. Is that OK?

The Methodist Church is generally willing to marry people who have been divorced, while their previous spouse is still alive, as long as there are not major obvious reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so. There are a very few ministers who will never marry someone who has been divorced, but such a minister will refer the couple to a minister who is willing to marry divorced people.  FIND OUT MORE


On 30 June 2021 and following prayerful consideration by the whole Church, the Methodist Conference voted to confirm provisional resolutions on same-sex marriages conducted on Methodist premises or by Methodist office-holders. Southport will shortly be able to offer same-sex marriage in some of its churches.  FIND OUT MORE


Christians believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ give them hope and cause for thanksgiving in the face of death. In this faith we entrust those who have died to the infinite mercy and love of God. A Methodist funeral service acknowledges this hope and offers bereaved people the opportunity to remember their loved one’s life and offer them into God’s care.

How do we arrange a funeral? 

Most people will use the services of a local funeral director, who will provide advice and organise all the practical arrangements. If you would like a funeral to involve the church and a local minister it is a good idea to find out if they are available before booking the time and date of the service.

The person who has died may have left details of the sort of funeral that they hoped for. Ministers will want to support families in keeping to such arrangements as much as possible and in making the service a personal and appropriate occasion. Taking funerals is an important part of the minister’s work and he or she will take time to visit families, offering comfort and support before and after the funeral itself. In some churches they may be able to offer the ongoing support of one of their pastoral team. FIND OUT MORE 

Please contact our Circuit Administrator for further details of what we offer in our churches. She can also connect you with an appropriate minister.

Live Streaming

Events in our churches and be live-streamed to be viewed across the world through which offers a concessionary price for Southport Methodist churches when requested by a local minister.